Function Reference


Writes text to a specific line in a file.

#include <File.au3>
_FileWriteToLine ( $sFile, $iLine, $sText [, $fOverWrite] )



$sFile The file to write to
$iLine The line number to write to
$sText The text to write
$fOverWrite if set to 1 will overwrite the old line
if set to 0 will not overwrite


Return Value

Success: 1
Failure: 0
@Error: 0 = No error
1 = File has less lines than $iLine
2 = File does not exist
3 = Error when opening file
4 = $iLine is invalid
5 = $fOverWrite is invalid
6 = $sText is invalid



If _FileWriteToLine is called with $fOverWrite as 1 and $sText as "", it will delete the line.






#include <File.au3>
;Example: Write to line 3 of c:\test.txt REPLACING line 3
_FileWriteToLine("c:\test.txt", 3, "my replacement for line 3", 1)
;Example: Write to line 3 of c:\test.txt NOT REPLACING line 3
_FileWriteToLine("c:\test.txt", 3, "my insertion", 0)